

Useful Information

Nyttig informasjon



Disability rates



Useful Information

Nyttig informasjon

Disability rates

Personal assistant(s)

Personal assistants of people with disabilities may travel for free if valid proof of disability/need for personal assistant is presented. This applies both to travel on foot and as passenger in a standard passenger vehicle.

In case of a personal assistant as the driver of the vehicle, he/she is included in the standard passenger vehicle rate.

NAV (Social Security) supported vehicles

A 50 % discount is given on standard passenger vehicle rate if the vehicle is procured with Social Security support. This also applies if the owner of the vehicle meets conditions to receive such support, yet have chosen to purchase a vehicle without it.

Regardless of whether the owner or the personal assistant is the driver of the vehicle, a 50 % discount is also given on a single passenger ticket.

Norwegian Social Security offices (NAV) issue a special ID containing the vehicle’s registration number. This must be presented along with other form of identification.


To receive a 50 % discount on a trailer, the same abovementioned requirement for documentation must be met. Trailer must be on the same ticket as the vehicle. With a value card, a 50 % discount is receivable even if the Trailer is not approved by the Social Security office.