

Useful Information

Nyttig informasjon



Wrong payment or charge



Useful Information

Nyttig informasjon

Wrong payment or charge

If your card has been overcharged or you otherwise payed too much, e.g. charged for 3 people instead of 2, then please fill out this form with all relevant information necessary to handle your case. This might include an attachment showing a scanned copy of your vehicle registration card, if you claim you have paid for a longer car than you drove on the ferry.

If there has been a wrong charge on a card, please provide the card number here.
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Please note that the season ticket apply for travel in both directions
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Attachment as file.
Attachment of other documentation
Attachment of other documentation
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Woops, this field can not be blank, sorry
Woops, this field can not be blank, sorry
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For refund of money on your card. Use SWIFT and IBAN codes if your bank is not a norwegian bank.
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Woops, this field can not be blank, sorry
Invalid Email
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Enter Valid Number