

Useful Information

Nyttig informasjon



Order senior card



Useful Information

Nyttig informasjon

Order senior card

The Senior card applies for senior citizens older than 65 years, and who are travelling on Norled’s express boats in Sogn og Fjordane. We will send the card, payment on delivery, to the address you provide us with in this form.

The Card

  • is valid for 1 calendar year, starting January 1.
  • shall be shown without being asked for
  • can only be used by the person it is issued for
  • only valid on Norled’s express boats in what used to be Sogn og Fjordane county
  • The card cannot be used at specified times and days e.g. Friday afternoon, Sunday direction Bergen, and e.g. Christmas, Easter, Pentecost.
  • Norled is not responsible for lost cards
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Enter Valid Number
Portrait of card owner
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